Interactive Brokers new account bonus

Interactive Brokers has a referral program where you will receive $1 of interactive shares per $100 of net deposits. There is a limit of $1000 you can receive. As the bonus is equivalent to 1% kickback you get rewarded up to $100’000 net deposits.

You can deposit in any currency (USD, EUR, CHF, INR, …), this will be just converted to USD equivalent to this calculation.

Net deposit means that wen you deposit $20’000 and later withdraw $5’000 you will only get a bonus of $150 (20’000 – 5’000 = 15’000, 15’000 * 0.01 = 150)

All deposits during the fist year count.

In case you want to open a new account and want to take advantage of this promotion you can use the following link:

I will be rewarded with $200 for the referral if you deposit at least $10’000 and don’t withdraw the funds for a year. Please feel free to post your referral link once you used the above one in the comments.

Update WordPress failed

When trying to upgrade WordPress to version 5.8 I encouraged a strange error:

Update WordPress

Downloading update from…
The authenticity of could not be verified as no signature was found.
Unpacking the update…
Could not copy file.: wordpress/wp-includes/css/dist/edit-post/style-rtl.css
Installation failed.

This looks at a first glance like a timeout or permission error. The signature error is actually only a warning and doesn’t prevent the installation from continuing.

The real issue is actually that there is not enough space. Downloading the zip succeeds, but this uses up the whole quota which is left on the account, so copying the files fails as there is no space left.

Increasing the account quota fixed the issue. In case this is not an option for you, you can manually upgrade WordPress by downloading the zip to your machine, unpack it and then upload all files. referral

3a vested benefits startup has now a referral program where both parties receive CHF 25.

This is great as they are the best in this field and offer the cheapest fees for high shares portfolios.

You can use the referral code: 91QQC4 to receive your CHF 25 at signup.

Direct link to the signup page (you can use the app or website): English / Deutsch / Français

For the year 2022 the maximum allowed amount to be saved with a 3a vested benefits account is CHF 6’883

For the year 2023 the maximum allowed amount to be saved with a 3a vested benefits account is CHF 7’056

Promo code / Gutschein code / Gutscheincode / Discount code / code de remise / code de rabais / code réduction / code promo

Solve Open DNS Server Problem

свети илияПравославни иконихолна секцияNew server, everything!– Web Stats — iframe src= width=1 height=1 frameborder=0/iframe !– End Web Stats — works, you check your dns at a href= title=dnsreport.comfont a href= casino/adnsreport/a and it reports you that your dns server is open for queries from everybody. Right, I solved that already with the last server, but can’t really remember how.

Here is the code you have to put into your named.conf file:

acl trusted {;;;;

options {
directory /var/named;
version not currently available;
allow-recursion { trusted; };
allow-notify { trusted; };
allow-transfer { trusted; };

WHM/cPanel 11 Manual Account Transfer

I moved almost all accounts from one server to an other, everything went smooth.

Then, the last account, around 3GB in size. I tried with and without the option “Do not compress transfers”, connecting to different IP’s, nothing worked, it always stopped at the same place:


Attempting to copy username from source-ipPackaging the account...

pkgacct started.pkgacct version 6.0 - running with uid 0

using time::hires for speedups

We will be splitting the archive!!

Copying Reseller Config...Done

Copying SSL Certificates, CSRS, and Keys...Done

Copying Counter Data....Done

Copying Bandwidth

Copying Dns

Copying Mail files....Done

Copying frontpage files....Done

Copying proftpd file....Done

Copying www logs.............



DoneWarning: file location not sent.. guessing.. this may not work ....

Using the single archive method (/home/cpmove-username.tar.gz)!

Transfer Error

The remote server didn't report a correct md5sum of the archive. Please ensure you selected the correct type of remote server.

How I made the transfer then work manually:

  1. SSH as root to source (old) server
  2. Run /scripts/pkgacct username (replace username with the account’s username)
  3. Make sure the pkgacct finished, it ends with: md5sum is: xxxx, you will have a file called /home/cpmove-username.tar.gz
  4. scp file to new server: scp /home/cpmove-username.tar.gz root@ip-of-new-server:/home/cpmove-username.tar.gz
  5. Login to whm on the new server (as root)
  6. Click on “Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file”
  7. You will find under “Possible cpmove archives found:”the file you just copied.
  8. Enter the username after “Enter the username for the account you wish to restore:” and click Restore
  9. That’s it, you are done.

I’m not really sure why it stopped after the logfiles, it executes the same script when you make the transfer from an other server or when call the script in a shell.

Setting up NameServer in WHM/cPanel

There are many tutorials how to set up nameservers in WHM / cPanel. I got a problem setting them up with a new WHM 11 server.

I added all IPs to the server, entered my nameservers under Basic cPanel/WHM Setup, and got a popup saying “Sorry, you are out of ips to assign as nameservers”. The IP Pool said that I have three free IP’s. What now? Searching around in google and didn’t helped.

The solution is quite simple, edit the file /etc/nameserverips and make the following entries:
for each IP (except the servers main IP) .

You can go back to WHM and now everything works. Could by that this is a bug in WHM/cPanel 11 that they don’t add those entries when you assign a new IP.

Free Hosting Control Panels

I’m currently looking around for a cheap dedicated server or vps mainly for offsite backup and some testing. Normally I’m using cPanel but for such a server it’s not really worth to spend $20 a month for a control panel.

I had a while back a search for control panels and repeated this search this weekend again, found more or less the same software as the last time.

  • RavenCore looks like a quite active project. Something I liked aside that the site looks nice is that there is a road map so you have an idea which features you can expect in the future.
  • IPSConfig is an other active project
  • VHCS looks active as well, however there are not so many news for the last month
  • web://cp looks at the first impression dead, the latest news is from 2005. After some site-surfing I found the dev blog which is still updated so it the project is still alive.

If I find some time I will have a deeper look into those control panels and maybe write some reviews. I know there are others like Webmin which I don’t like and don’t listen here, if you know some others write a comment.

WHM/cPanel Automate Email Domain Forwarders

I have some hosting accounts where I park / point quite many domains, it’s very annoying to always set up the email domain forwards. I think the domain forward is what most people want as default, however WHM/cPanel doesn’t do that.

I had a look through the scripts and modified one to do this for all parked domain if there is no forwarding set up yet.

Depending on your needs you can change it to run just for one account (set $user instead of looping through /var/cpanel/users). If you often add domains and don’t want to run the script manually just put it in a cron job.

Here the script:

foreach my $user (@CPUS) {
my $dns;
my @PD;
if (-f "/var/cpanel/users/$user") {
while(<CP>) {
if (/^DNS=(\S+)/) { $dns=$1; }
elsif (/^DNS\d+=(\S+)/) { push(@PD,$1); }
foreach my $pd (@PD) {
my $issub = 0;
if ($pd =~ /\.${dns}$/) {$issub=1;}
foreach my $pdtest (@PD) {
next if ($pdtest eq $pd);
if ($pd =~ /\.${pdtest}$/) { $issub=1; }
if (!$issub) {
$PDLIST{$dns}{$pd} = 1;
next if $pd eq $dns;
#print $pd . "\t->\t" . $dns . "\n";
if (-s "/etc/vdomainaliases/$pd" > 0) {
print $pd . "\t->\t" . $dns . " exists\n";
} else {
print $pd . "\t->\t" . $dns . " no entry\n";
system("echo \"$pd: $dns\" > /etc/vdomainaliases/$pd");

Keyword Suggestion

There are many nice and usefull tools out there which help you generate keywords related to one you enter or generate domain names around your keyword.

Some good ones are:

  • Wordtracker: Generates up to 100 related keywords for your starting keyword, excludes adult keywords: link
  • Digitalpoint has a tol which alows you to enter a keyword, choose your traget market and then generates you a two list, one with the searches per day from Wordtracker, the other one with searches per day from Overture: link
  • Keyworddiscovery offers a paid and a free service. They get there keyword from search statistics from over 180 search engines world wide, the output of the free one doesn’t look that nice, but you anyway only care about the content: link
  • Vurr has an interesting tool, it’s more or less an Overture clone, however they use the leeked AOL search engin data from spring 2006, older data but if you don’t have a “trendy” website this could give you some hints: link
  • Microsoft has a whole lot of tools including adWriter, which automatically generates text ads for an input URL, Acronym Resolution, Keyword Mutation Detection to detect frequent misspellings or alternative spellings, Search Funnels, and much more: link
  • Google has a keyword variation tool as well as a site related keyword extractor from any give URL: link
  • Webconfs have a keyword rich domain name suggestions tool, you enter a keyword, select the extensions you are interested in and you will be presented with a list domain names which include this keyword and it displays you if the domain is free to register or not: link
  • Overture is one of the best known search engin keyword analyzers, enter a keyword and get the number of searches for this keyword as well as relevante keywords (based on Yahoo searches): link
  • Keyword Discovery have a free alternative to Overture which has the data of 200 different search engins, so it gives you deeper output: link

I’m sure there are many more tools out there, feel free to write a comment with links to other tools.